Woocommerce Step Filter Nulled powerful and flexible plugin for creating different types of filters for your products.It could help your customers to choose products consistently by answering questions and giving a description of each step.
- Different workflow modes
- Unlimited number of filter questions
- Any filtering source
- A lot of input types and views
- Call the filter using the shortcode
- Show products results within the filter
- Collect requests statistic
- Generate results PDF with filtered products
- Add questions condition logic
- Create whatever number of filters
WooCommerce Step Filter is made with love and according to the needs of the real customers.
Started as a customer feature request of a filter with steps in 2016, after a lot of feedback, hard work, and regular improvements, the plugin has got its own shape, unique possibilities, and use-cases.
Or just use it as a usual filter of products in a widget! Just place a shortcode wherever you want!
Demo : https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-step-filter/20942605
= 10.1.0 =
Fix: Submit filter on select tag click on macOS
Fix: Rare bug of PDF images with get attributes in link
New: Select with search question view
New: Trigonometric functions for the formula view
New: Nav button class setting
New: "Auto" and "None" values for nav action setting
New: Results button behavior setting
New: From/To numeric question settings
New: Sticky header/navigation/footer offset setting for different screen sizes
New: Share button URL shortcode
New: Spinner with loading progress bar
Tweak: Global input fields scope for formulas
Tweak: Code improvements
= 10.0.1 =
Tweak: Documentation update
Tweak: Better work with the browser history
Fix: Custom styles generation bugs
= 10.0.0 =
Removed: Controls sorting setting
New: Header/footer controls settings
New: WooCommerce Products Wizard integration
New: "Start" button for the description step
New: Extra features and possibilities
Fix: Send current state hash via AJAX bug
Fix: Shop controls URL bug
Tweak: Code improvements