WhatsApp Food Nulled Create a digital menu for your Restaurant or Bar. Share with your clients and let them order via Mobile
In the era of covid, restaurants need modern and clean solutions for their traditional way of working. Being closer to their customer is a game-changer.
With this tool, they can create both a digital menu and the QR for it. Next, the customer goes to the menu, makes the order, and sends the order on WhatsApp Food Free Download.
Benefits for project owner
- Start a subscription business in less than 10 min
- Accept subscription via Stripe, PayPal, Paddle, PayStact and Local
- Robust solution with no additional monthly charges or any extra service need.
- No time need to run this business. It is completely automated and scalable.
- Take advantage of this pandemic, and turn it into your favor.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/whatsapp-food-saas-whatsapp-ordering/30278921
4.0.0 - 2024-01-02
Laravel v10
Link for each product
Apps in separate menu
Custom JS & CSS per vendor - free module
To update from the previous release, follow the standard update procedure.
Before update, make sure to make a backup This update requires PHP 8.2
After that, log in as admin
3.6.0 - 2023-05-29
Tips - free module
Social profiles - free module
Razorpay subscription
Glow - new theme
Allow staff to login in owner app
Improvements in KDS and POS module
How to update
Just log in as admin, go to "Updates" and you should see new "New Update 3.6.0" button. Click on the button to update. Note that this is a bigger update. Please check the List of files to confirm it will not overwrite some of your changes if you have them. NOTE: For this update we strongly recommend to backup your database and files.