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Admin Menu Editor Pro + Addons Nulled (v2.26.1) Free Download

Admin Menu Editor Pro + Addons Nulled Free Download
Admin Menu Editor Pro + Addons Nulled Free Download

Admin Menu Editor Pro Nulled allows you to hide menus from roles or users, organise the menu with drag and drop, change the icons from over 600 menu icons, create new menu items, change menu colors, make menus open in new tab or iframe, edit the admin bar, apply your branding and much more.


 Hide menus from roles or users

Change menu permissions with just a couple of clicks. Click a role, uncheck the menu items that you want to hide, and check the ones that you want to show. You can also change permissions for individual users. For example, you could hide a menu from everyone except yourself, or give a user access to a specific admin page without changing their role.

 Organize the menu with drag and drop

Make WordPress easier to use by moving frequently used menu items to the top. You can also move menu items from one submenu to another, or to the main menu. Want a top-level link to “Add New Post” or to a specific plugin? You can do that. Got an unruly plugin that puts its admin page in the wrong place? Move it to “Settings” instead.

 Choose from over 600 menu icons

The plugin comes with a large collection of icons from the Dashicons and FontAwesome icon fonts. You can upload your own PNG or GIF icons through the Media Library, or enter the icon URL manually. You can also add icons to submenu items.

 Change menu colors

Edit the background, text, icon, and highlight colors. You can apply your changes to the entire admin menu, or customize the colors of individual items.

 Create new menu items

You can add your own links to the admin menu. You can also make a custom menu that embeds the contents of a post or page in the WordPress admin. Finally, it’s possible to create non-clickable items, which can be useful for things like section headers in complex admin menus.

 Make menus open in a new tab or an iframe

Let’s say you’re building a site for a non-technical client and you want to make a tutorial page or an external service look like it’s part of WordPress. The “Open in: Frame” option can help with that. It will display the linked page in a borderless frame. For completeness, a “new window” option (i.e. target="_blank") is also included.

 Import and export menu settings

Export your admin menu configuration to a file, then import it on another site.

 Hide plugins

Hide individual entries on the “Plugins” page. As with menu items, you can hide them from everyone, or only from specific roles or users.

 Apply your branding

Use the Branding add-on to replace the default WordPress branding with your own. You can replace the WordPress logo, customize the login page, change the admin color scheme, hide the WordPress version and core update notifications, and so on.

 Edit the Admin Bar

Admin Menu Editor Pro Free Download The optional Toolbar Editor add-on lets you customize the Admin Bar, which is also known as the WordPress Toolbar. You can hide toolbar items, change their order with drag & drop, rename items, add new links, and more.

  • Admin Menu Editor Pro v2.26.1
  • Branding Add-On v1.3.7
  • WP Toolbar Editor v1.4.3

Demo :


2.26.1 (2024-07-17)
Added the "CSS classes" field to submenu items. You can use it to add custom CSS classes to menu items. Previously, only top level menus had this field.
Updated the capability database. The plugin uses this to categorize the role capabilities shown in the "Roles" tab.
Fixed a bug introduced in version 2.26 that prevented certain blocks from rendering in the default block editor. This only affected blocks that call the "block-renderer" REST API.
2.26 (2024-07-16)
Added a "Nav Menus" tab that lets you hide navigation menu items from roles and users. It supports both classic navigation menus and block-based navigation menus used by FSE themes. In addition to per-role settings, you can also hide menu items from all logged-in users or all logged-out users.
Fixed a bug introduced in version 2.25 that could cause the "Redirects" tab to be blank in some configurations. The bug also triggered this JS error: " is not a function".
Fixed a WooCommerce conflict where two "Subscriptions" menu items would appear when AME was active.
Tested with WP 6.6-RC3 and WP 6.7-alpha.
2.25 (2024-07-02)
Added background color settings for submenu item hover states, both for the admin menu and for the Toolbar.
Added a background color setting for the currently active admin menu item.
Added an option to open the admin menu logo link in a new tab.
Added an option to automatically delete settings associated with missing roles and users. This only applies to certain settings, such as menu permissions and login redirects. "Missing" means that the role or user doesn’t exist on the current site, which usually happens when it has been deleted. In Multisite, it can also happen if different subsites have different roles. By default, this option is enabled on regular sites and disabled in Multisite.
Fixed a WooCommerce conflict where two "Orders" menu items would appear when AME was active.
Fixed a rare PHP warning "Undefined array key "parent" in … menu-editor-core.php".
Fixed a potential crash if the global $menu variable is not a native array but is still array-like.
Improved compatibility with old versions of UiPress.
Improved menu drag & drop from the top level to the submenu. You can now drop items anywhere in the active submenu, not just at the bottom.
Tested with WP 6.5.5.

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