Since 2015 FIFU Nulled has helped thousands of websites worldwide to save money on storage, processing and copyright.
If you are tired of wasting time and resources with thumbnail regeneration, image optimization and never-ending imports, this plugin is for you.
Use an external image as featured image of your post, page or custom post type.
- External featured image
- Unsplash image search
- Default featured image
- Hide featured media
- Featured image in content
- Auto set image title
- Save image dimensions
- Featured image column
- [PRO] Disable right-click
- [PRO] Save in the media library
- [PRO] Unsplash image size
- [PRO] Same height
- [PRO] Hover effects
- [PRO] Replace not found image
- [PRO] Image validation
- [PRO] Page redirection
- Auto set featured media from post content
- [PRO] Auto set featured image using post title and search engine
- [PRO] Auto set featured image using ISBN and books API
- [PRO] Auto set screenshot as featured image
- [PRO] Auto set featured media using web page address
- [PRO] Auto set featured image from Unsplash using tags
- CDN + optimized thumbnails
- Lazy load
Demo :
- New feature: Taxonomy Image; new shortcode: [fifu_taxonomy]; fix: widgets for Elementor not working; fix: security issue reported by Wordfence; fix: CDN + Optimized Thumbnails (not working for ImgBB images).
- Enhancement: Featured Slider (supports videos now); fix: conflict with images added via Elementor.
- New feature: Cloak Links; New option: FIFU Product Gallery → Variations images in the main gallery; Fix: conflict with Bricks editor; Fix: CDN + Optimized Thumbnails (Warning message).