Pickbazar Laravel Ecommerce Nulled is a feature-rich Laravel-based ecommerce solution based on our highly acclaimed React project, Pickbazar. This comprehensive platform encompasses both REST API and GraphQL API support, offering exceptional versatility to meet your specific business needs. On the frontend, we have harnessed the power of React, NextJS [TypeScript], and and the flexibility of Tailwind CSS.
This Laravel Ecommerce appplication comes with a lightning-fast performance, your customers will relish their shopping experience, resulting in increased growth for your ecommerce business. This ecommerce solution is designed to be user-friendly and adaptable, with extensive documentation to guide you. It includes Multiple payment Gateway support (11+ payment Gateways), including Stripe, paypal integration, and the flexibility to add other payment gateways effortlessly. Additionally, it provides cash-on-delivery support for added convenience.
The full source code is readily available, making installation and deployment a breeze. With lightning-fast performance, your customers will delight in using your ecommerce store. This solution is designed to expedite the growth of your business, offering a hassle-free and efficient ecommerce experience.
Our comprehensive admin support ensures that you can effortlessly manage and maintain your orders. You will receive the entire source code, both for the frontend and backend, empowering you to take full control of your ecommerce store. Additionally, Pickbazar Laravel Ecommerce offers multivendor support, opening up opportunities to boost your revenue by facilitating multiple vendors on your platform.
Demo : https://codecanyon.net/item/pickbazar-laravel-react-next-rest-graphql-ecommerce/31475730
v11.10.0 13 May 2024
-Toasts issue fixed in shop update [issue fixed] -Transferred shop request status update functionality update [feature update] -Transferred shop status update button enable/disable functionality update [issue fixed]
v11.9.0 22nd March 2024
-[New feature]Shop Ownership Transfer added -[New feature]Shop Maintenance added -[New feature]Email notification to verified purchased customer when a new digital product update gets available
v11.8.0 25th January 2024
-[New feature] Tool tips for marvel-admin area -[New feature] New App installation terminal command via Laravel Prompt -[New feature] Customer review Pop-up feature after successful order. -[New feature] New rating procedure -[New feature] Settings save confirmation. -[Bug fix] Total order amount calculation in analytics dashboard -[Bug fix] Coupon grid display issue in shop end. -[Bug fix] Type dropdown closing issue fix -[Bug fix] Percentage base coupon validation issue in admin end -[Bug fix] In GraphQL flash-sale create form issue. -[Bug fix] Responsive device sidebar toogle issue.
v11.7.0 4th January 2024
-Text editor support [New Feature] -Popup Banner [New Feature]