Display availability of bookings with Blocks Editor
Product Availability Slots for WooCommerce Nulled Sell more bookings by presenting a calendar or schedule of available slots in a page or post. Offer a curated selection or all of your products in a format that makes it easier for customers to quickly find a time and date that works for them and add to cart.
Customize products to display
Choose which products are represented in your calendar or schedule:
- All Products – Add all bookable products
- Specific products – Select a list of individual products
- Specific categories/resources – Select one or multiple categories or resources
Schedule Block
Display product availability for a given day/week/month in a list format that allows customers to add directly to cart.
Calendar Block
Display product availability for a given month in a calendar that allows customers to add directly to cart. The calendar view also provides additional information to customers via popup for each booking.
Product Availability Slots for WooCommerce Free Download
Give Bookings a boost
Craft the perfect customer experience by considering add-ons that other WooCommerce store owners use with WooCommerce Bookings.
- Take a deposit for a reservation with Deposits
- Power up reminder emails with Follow-Ups
- Try our free Accommodation Bookings add-on, or the Hotel theme, if you have a hotel or B&B
- Allow service providers to submit and manage offerings themselves using Product Vendors
Demo : https://woocommerce.com/products/bookings-availability/
2023-07-10 - version 5.3.0
* Tweak: Improvement in restricting the product purchase from My Account -> Orders[Order Again] when the product is not available to purchase
* Tweak: Tested with WooCommerce v7.8.2
2023-06-16 - version 5.2.0
* Tweak: Compatible with High-Performance Order Storage[HPOS]
* Tweak: Tested with WordPress v6.2.2 & WooCommerce v7.8.0
2023-03-20 - version 5.1.0
* Tweak: Tested with WooCommerce v7.5.0
2023-02-17 - version 5.0.0
* New: Major Code Improvements made in Product Configuration
* Tweak: Tested with WordPress v6.1.1 & WooCommerce v7.4.0
2022-11-08 - version 4.9.0
* New: Troubleshoot option to set the Hook Priority for Purchase
* Tweak: Tested with WordPress v6.1 & WooCommerce v7.0.1
* Fix: Plugin Activation conflict with "WooCommerce Custom Product Addons" Plugin