The only Redsys POS module Nulled all in one.
Includes pay by Reference, pay without order, pay by mobile with Bizum, Bankwire, Domicilation, Masterpass and Paypal. Refunds and notifications.
Compatible with SHA256, 3D Secure, PSD2, SCA and EMV3DS v2
What this module does for you
Compatible with the new regulations in force from 14 November 2020
Compatible with IUpay, multistore, multicurrency, multiterminal
Multistore: You can create different Virtual POS for every store
Multiterminal: You can create different methods of payment for a same store
Multicurrency: Support for Euro, Dollar and Pound.
Compatible with Advanced Compliance European Union
Compatible with the native Prestashop module ‘Advanced EU Compliance – advancedeucompliance‘ to comply with the applicable laws of electronic commerce in the European Union.
Easy installation and configuration
With this easy module, you’ll be able to install and setup your Redsys Virtual POS in your PrestaShop store in few minutes. It includes full administration of notifications and will let you make refunds directly from the order detail.
Includes the option to pay with your mobile: Bizum *
Facilitate the payment to your clients by activating the payment option with a mobile phone. Compatible with Bizum.
REDSYS POS Module Free Download
Includes other payment options *
Materpass (Ealia, Imaginbank), Bank transfer, Direct debit, Paypal
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