WooCommerce Coupon Restrictions Nulled provides additional coupon functionality in WooCommerce. It allows you to restrict coupons to:
- New Customers
- Existing Customers
- User Roles
- Specific Countries
- Specific States or Provinces
- Specific Zipcodes or Postal Codes
Demo : https://woo.com/de-de/products/coupon-restrictions/
Version 2.2.2
RELEASED ON 2024-02-05
Add explicit check for array type for meta values that require it.
Version 2.2.1
RELEASED ON 2023-04-07
Fatal error on subscription renewal with coupon applied due to missing class.
Version 2.2.0
RELEASED ON 2023-03-09
WP CLI command to add historic order data to verification table.
Improve documentation around enhanced usage limits.
Declare compatibility for High Performance Order Storage.