The WooCommerce Pricing & Discounts Nulled ! plugin (WCTBP) is a powerful tool that allows the shop admin to create price and discount rules that dynamically set products price, cart discounts or adds fees to cart according to time periods, quantity (currently in cart or item stock value left), amounts spent (per items or cart total) and user roles (for automatic role assignment give a look to companion plugin: WooCommerce Role by Amount Spent).
It’s very straightforward. Once installed and activated, a new WooCommerce Pricing! bulk editor voice will appear in the main menu, from where the shop admin can access the bulk price and discounts rules configurator and create the price and discount rules that will be defined item prices or cart discounts according to:
- Time periods
- User roles
- User account
- Quantity (on the cart, in stock, total sales or number of purchases by the customer) or Amount spent (per items or cart total) or Product total sales
Furthermore, the shop admin can also create specific rules individually for any product (or its variants) directly from its admin edit page!
NOTE: Make also sure to remove any sale price manually assigned to a product, they will be ignored by the plugin.
Product total sales: In the case of variable products, the total sales value considered is the master products (WooCommerce doesn’t keep track of single variation total sales). To edit the total sales value for a product (total_sales) use the Custom field metabox on the product edit page.
Number of purchases by the customer: The number of sales considered is the ones performed only when the plugin is active.
Taxes: The plugin, to properly work, requires item prices to be entered exclusive of any tax
Demo :
= 15.2 - 07.06.24 = * Fixed an issue due to shop page might crash * Internal library update = 15.1 - 08.04.24 = * Internal library update = 15.0 - 26.06.23 = * Bugfix = 14.9 - 02.02.23 = * Fixed an issue related to the multisite installations = 14.8 - 09.01.23 = * Product prices can now be set according to the number of purchases the customer made for that product = 14.7 - 09.01.23 = * Fixed an issue related to the [sale_products] shortcode when entering prices inclusive of taxes = 14.6 - 07.01.23 = * Improved taxes management = 14.5 - 22.12.22 = * Minor improvements